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Car Accidents

Why it Is Dangerous To Drive With a Dirty Windshield in Pennsylvania

Posted on behalf of Schmidt Kramer on February 16, 2024 in Car Accidents

Dirty windshields not only look bad, but they are also a huge safety risk. Dirt, snow, dust, road debris and other materials that can stick to the windshield make it harder to see, affecting your reaction time. It could take you half a second longer to react to sudden obstacles or changes in the flow […]

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How Roundabout Crashes Occur and Who May Be At Fault in Pennsylvania

Posted on behalf of Schmidt Kramer on February 06, 2024 in Car Accidents

Drivers are so used to traditional intersections that they are often unsure of what to do in a roundabout. They may be overly polite and yield the right of way when they should not do so. They may also stop in the middle of the roundabout. These are just two examples of reckless driving behaviors […]

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What Is Seat Belt Syndrome and How Could a Crash Cause This Injury?

Posted on behalf of Schmidt Kramer on January 22, 2024 in Car Accidents

People have different opinions and feelings about wearing seat belts, but the fact is that they save thousands of lives every year. Despite the protection they provide, however, they can also sometimes cause a serious injury, known as seat belt syndrome, after a crash. This article talks more about seat belt syndrome, including what it […]

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Prescription Drugs and Driving – Who Can Be Liable if a Crash Results?

Posted on behalf of Schmidt Kramer on January 18, 2024 in Car Accidents

Car crashes caused by impairment of any kind can cause devastating or even fatal damages. Most crashes of this nature are the result of alcohol impairment or some type of substance abuse. However, what if a driver impaired by prescription drugs causes a crash? Is he or she liable for the damages or could this […]

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Can an Auto Insurer Legally Spy on Me After a PA Car Crash?

Posted on behalf of Schmidt Kramer on January 11, 2024 in Car Accidents

After being involved in a traumatic car crash, injured victims could have a lengthy physical recovery ahead of them. These plaintiffs will need to seek compensation through a legal claim to help ensure their medical costs and other losses get paid for by the at-fault parties. The larger the victim’s claim is, however, the more […]

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What Are the Long-term Effects of Being Injured in a PA Car Crash?

Posted on behalf of Schmidt Kramer on January 04, 2024 in Car Accidents

Car crashes cause victims to suffer more than physical harm or loss of property. These incidents are extremely traumatic and may often result in life-altering injuries. It is no surprise, then, that a lot of injured crash survivors suffer financially while also dealing with mental issues, like sadness, worry and post-traumatic stress. Schmidt Kramer is […]

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Excessive Fatigue After a Crash – Could it Be a Serious Injury?

Posted on behalf of Schmidt Kramer on December 19, 2023 in Car Accidents

It is not unusual for some crash victims to feel fatigued for a day or two. Some victims, however, experience excessive fatigue that does not go away. While there are many injury symptoms to be concerned about after a car crash, excessive fatigue is high on the list. You could be tired because you have […]

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Can I Include Chronic Pain From a Harrisburg Car Accident in a Lawsuit?

Posted on behalf of Schmidt Kramer on December 14, 2023 in Car Accidents

Car accident injuries can sometimes cause chronic pain that may affect victims for the rest of their lives. This condition can severely diminish your quality of life. It may even prevent you from taking part in activities you once enjoyed. If you have been injured in a Harrisburg car crash, Schmidt Kramer’s experienced lawyers are […]

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Winter Driving Tips to Help Pennsylvania Drivers Avoid a Collision

Posted on behalf of Schmidt Kramer on December 07, 2023 in Car Accidents

As we get closer to Christmas and winter arrives in Pennsylvania, it is time to start thinking about winter driving. Snow-covered roads, icy patches, and reduced visibility can make winter driving a challenge. Here are some suggestions to help you stay safe this winter: Getting Your Vehicle Winter Ready To be sure your vehicle is […]

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How Can Injury Lawyers Preserve Witness Testimony for a Car Crash?

Posted on behalf of Schmidt Kramer on November 08, 2023 in Car Accidents

One way to think about a car accident case is that it is a dispute between two drivers. Both drivers often have differing accounts of what happened. Some drivers may even lie about the crash to try to avoid accountability. These are all reasons why crash victims need other evidence in addition to their account […]

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