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Will Moving to a Different State Impact My Disability Benefits?

inside moving truck being packedSocial Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) are both federally funded programs administered by the Social Security Administration (SSA). If you are currently receiving SSDI or SSI but are moving to a different state, you may have concerns about continued eligibility.

Will moving impact my benefits? Do I need to re-apply? Is there a chance that I will receive less?

Our Harrisburg Social Security Disability lawyers are here to help answer these questions in greater detail. We offer an initial consultation at no cost to you.

Available 24/7 to take your call: (717) 727-2550.

What If I Receive Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI)?

If you are an SSDI recipient, moving to a different state will not impact your benefits. Disability payments from the SSDI program are not issued based on where you reside. These payments are issued based on the number of years you have worked and the average income earned in those years.

SSDI is funded through payroll taxes. By working and contributing to the Social Security trust fund, you receive the same monthly benefit amount regardless of the state you reside in or wish to move to.

What If I Receive Supplemental Security Income (SSI)?

If you are an SSI recipient, moving to a different state may impact your monthly benefit amount. This is because disability payments from the SSI program are issued based on financial need. This need may vary from state to state due to certain factors. Most states offer a supplemental payment in addition to federal SSI benefits. In Pennsylvania, SSI is supplemented by the Department of Human Services (DHS).

If you lived in a state that paid a supplemental, but your new state does not offer it or pays a smaller amount, your SSI benefits may be less each month. If your new state pays a supplement that your previous state did not offer, you may have a greater SSI benefit amount.

The state you reside in may also impact your continued eligibility for SSI. For instance, if your state has no supplemental payment, the SSI income limit for 2022 is $841. It is important to note that not all income is counted so you may be able to earn more income per month and still be able to receive SSI.

The monthly benefit amount may also increase or decrease if you have a change in your living situation, such as if you will be living with a loved one who will be paying for your food and/or shelter.

Is Medicaid and Medicare Coverage Impacted by Moving?

Most states automatically enroll SSI recipients in Medicaid coverage. This includes the state of Pennsylvania. However, other states may make their own Medicaid decisions based on SSI standards or use their own criteria to determine if an SSI recipient is eligible for Medicaid.

Your Medicaid coverage may be impacted if you leave one state that automatically grants you coverage and move to a new state that does not. The likelihood of losing your existing Medicaid coverage may increase if you now live in a state that uses its own criteria that is stricter than the SSA’s criteria.

If you move to another state, Medicaid coverage as an SSDI recipient may also change or remain the same based on the type of coverage you have. You may have to complete certain state requirements to ensure that your Medicare and Social Security Disability benefits continue without a hitch.

Do I Need to Re-Apply for Benefits If I Change States?

You will not lose your disability benefits just because you move from one state to another state. This means you do not have to re-apply for SSDI or SSI if you move within the U.S.

If you are moving out of state or even within the state, it is important to notify the SSA of your change of address. This can be done conveniently online. The sooner the SSA is notified of this change, the less likely you are to have issues with your disability payments or miss out on other vital correspondence.

If you are receiving state supplemental payments, you must also notify the appropriate state agency of your move. Otherwise, you may face penalties like those issued by the SSA.

Get Answers to Your Social Security Disability Questions

If you are moving to a different state and concerned about your disability benefits being impacted, we recommend reaching out to an experienced lawyer at our firm. We have helped many people file disability claims or appeal denial notices.

The initial consultation is free of charge and comes with no obligation to retain our services. We also charge zero upfront fees, which means we do not get paid unless we help you obtain benefits.

Talk to a lawyer today. Ph: (717) 727-2550.