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Does Tendinitis Qualify for Social Security Disability Benefits?

grabbing knee in painSudden injuries and repetitive movements made over a long period can cause people to develop tendinitis. This refers to inflammation of the tendons that connect your bones to your muscles.

For example, people could develop tendinitis from typing on a keyboard, sweeping, mopping, writing or other repetitive movements they make at their job. While you could develop tendinitis in any tendon, it usually occurs in tendons in the wrists, shoulders, elbows and knees.

Tendinitis is not only painful, but it can also result in impaired mobility in the joint. For example, some people may have limited range of motion in their wrist because of tendinitis. Tendinitis not only causes pain in the tendon itself, but also the area around the tendon, which can become stiff and swollen.

These issues can make it difficult or impossible for people to work, which raises questions about eligibility for Social Security Disability benefits. We discuss eligibility for benefits for those with tendinitis below.

Applying for disability benefits is a complex process, and applicants should not try to go through it alone. The experienced Harrisburg-based Social Security Disability lawyers at Schmidt Kramer are prepared to help you through each step in the process, and there are no upfront costs.

Give us a call today to learn how we may be able to help. (717) 727-2089

What is Tendinitis?

Tendons are thick, fibrous cords that connect bones to muscles, allowing joints to move as they were meant to. Continually moving certain tendons could result in inflammation that inhibits the proper functioning of joints.

The pain from tendinitis is often described as a dull ache when the victim moves the affected joint. Victims may also experience mild swelling and tenderness.

Tendinitis is common among people who work in jobs that require them to forcefully exert themselves, frequently reach over their heads and put themselves in awkward positions. Construction or factory workers who are often exposed to vibrations can also develop tendinitis.

How Tendinitis May Impair the Ability to Work

For people who work in jobs that require fine motor skills, tendinitis can make work very painful or impossible. Using a computer keyboard or mouse for an extended period may not be possible. Workers can take breaks, but pain and limited mobility may come right back when they resume these activities.

People who work in jobs that require a lot of physical activity may need to stay home until pain and inflammation subsides. Even if they tried to work, they might not be able to do very much.

Tendinitis may be more likely to affect those suffering from arthritis or autoimmune disorders, as autoimmune disorders can increase inflammation. It is important that those who work in physically demanding jobs have adequate conditioning, otherwise they could be at higher risk for tendinitis or other ailments.

Eligibility for Social Security Disability

You may be eligible for disability benefits if you can show you have a condition that will affect you for at least a year and will keep you from working. You need strong medical evidence, such as a clear opinion from your treating doctor and test results or the results of a physical exam.

You will also need an explanation of how you developed tendinitis and why your work caused it. Your doctor will need to provide a written statement that you developed tendinitis from your job.

It is important to note tendinitis is not listed in the Social Security Administration’s (SSA) blue book. However, you may be able to qualify for benefits if you meet the criteria under another listing. For example, you might qualify under Listing 1.02: Major dysfunction of a joint. You would need to prove tendinitis has affected your wrist joints in such a way you cannot perform gross and fine movements.

You would likely need to undergo a residual function capacity assessment to determine what types of work you would be able to do with your condition. The SSA will be looking to determine if you can sustain full-time work without the need for frequent breaks or days off and can be productive while on the job.

Importance of Seeking Treatment

It is important that applicants have a record of consistent treatment because it shows you are taking the situation seriously. If you have tried various treatments and are still unable to work and having significant symptoms, your application may have a better chance of being approved.

There are various treatments that may help prevent tendinitis. Some people get corticosteroid injections into the affected area, while others get physical therapy to reduce inflammation and strengthen the surrounding muscles. If a tendon gets torn, surgery will probably be needed to repair the damage. Surgery could also be done to remove scar tissue, reducing pain and inflammation and improving range of motion.

Not seeking treatment could hurt your credibility when you apply for disability benefits. The SSA may question your claim that you cannot keep working because you lack evidence that treatment is not working. The SSA may assume you would be able to resume working with treatment.

Call the Experienced Attorneys at Schmidt Kramer for Legal Help

We have helped many disability applicants obtain benefits from the Social Security Administration. We are prepared to manage the process on your behalf, building a strong argument for why applicants should receive benefits.

An initial consultation is free of charge and comes with no legal obligations. There is no risk in contacting us to learn how we may be able to help you.

Experienced attorneys. Proven results. Call (717) 727-2089.