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Safely Driving Through Pennsylvania Mountains

driving safe Pennsylvania mountainsPennsylvania’s mountain roads offer some of the most scenic views in the country. However, driving in the mountains requires caution and awareness to avoid an accident. The safety tips below can help you avoid a car accident in the Pennsylvania mountains that could lead to serious injuries.

If you or a loved one has suffered an injury in a collision in the Pennsylvania mountains, contact our Harrisburg car accident lawyers at Schmidt Kramer for help. We may be able to pursue compensation for the damages you have suffered.

Be Aware of Railroad Crossings

Many railroad crossings are unsafe for a variety of reasons. Some crossings have no crossbars and others have broken lights or bells so there is no light or sound to alert drivers that a train is coming. Railroad crossings can be even more dangerous in severe weather when there is limited visibility, such as during heavy rain. Drivers may not be able to see the tracks, much less oncoming trains.

The Operation Lifesaver program estimates that 94 percent of accidents involving collisions with vehicles and trains are due to the risky behavior of drivers. This is why it is important to use the following tips to remain safe:

  • Trains are actually much closer than they appear and traveling faster than you think.
  • Never race the oncoming train to see if you can get across the tracks before the train gets there. Trains cannot stop immediately, so remain a safe distance from the tracks.
  • Do not drive around or through lowered gates.
  • If your car stalls on the tracks, get out and get away even if you do not see a train coming.
  • Expect a train at all times.

Drive with the Flow of Traffic

The mountainous areas and scenic bypasses may distract you. However, it is important to stay focused on the road and drive slower in mountainous areas to avoid potential hazards.

To prevent collisions, you should try to drive with the flow of traffic and remain in the far-right lane if you are driving slower than other traffic.

Other safety tips when traveling on mountain roads include:

  • Avoiding aggressive drivers because they are more likely to cause a collision
  • Avoiding aggressive driving behaviors, like speeding or cutting off other drivers
  • Avoiding distractions like cellphones or changing the radio station
  • Remaining aware of commercial trucks and staying out of their blind spots
  • Always wearing your seatbelt
  • Adjusting your speed to the weather conditions; if it is windy or there is limited visibility, slow down
  • Avoid driving when you are tired

Seek Legal Help Today

If you were injured in a car accident in the Pennsylvania mountains, contact a Harrisburg personal injury lawyer at Schmidt Kramer to discuss your legal options. We can review your situation in a free legal consultation and identify an appropriate legal strategy for pursuing compensation.

We have helped many victims of car accidents recover fair compensation for their injuries. We do not charge for our services unless you receive compensation.

Call (717) 888-8888 or fill out our Free Case Review form now.