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Do I Have Legal Options After a Charter Bus Crash in Pennsylvania?

stock image of charter bus driving at sunsetCharter buses are considered one of the safest ways to travel. People may sometimes travel alone on them, but groups often hire them out for school outings, travel, concerts and other big events. No matter how safe they are, however, negligence may sometimes result in a traffic accident.

If you get injured in a charter bus crash, is it possible to recover compensation for damages, such as medical costs, lost wages, and pain and suffering? Who can be liable in this situation and can you file a claim?

Schmidt Kramer discusses more about charter bus crashes, including what steps you can take if you were injured by one. Our vehicle crash attorneys in Harrisburg have extensive experience helping victims injured by the negligence of others. Contact our law offices today to learn if you have legal options. We are here to help.

Request your FREE case review today. (717) 727-1403

Can I Sue To Recover Compensation After a Charter Bus Crash?

Every case is unique, but if negligence contributed to the charter bus crash that caused you harm, you may have a valid case for seeking damages.

The most accurate way to learn about your legal options is to speak with an experienced attorney about your situation.

A lawsuit may be possible if one or more of the following contributed to or caused the bus crash:

  • Bus driver negligence
  • Failure to properly maintain the bus
  • Defective brakes, tires or some other bus part
  • Faulty bus maintenance
  • Another driver’s negligence
  • Poorly maintained roads

Who May Be Liable for a Crash Involving a Charter Bus Crash in PA?

In most cases, the negligent party for a crash involving a charter bus will be the driver, the bus owner or another driver.

Charter bus crashes are more complex than other collisions involving non-commercial vehicles. For instance:

  • There may be multiple liable parties, which could mean more sources of compensation
  • You may be one of several injured victims, this may mean more people who need compensation
  • More witness statements, which could clarify or cause confusion if the accounts vary greatly
  • Multiple attorneys representing the bus company and its driver

Having a knowledgeable attorney managing your case ensures your rights are protected throughout the legal process. Additionally, your attorney can help you to avoid making critical mistakes, like accepting early low-ball settlements or missing filing deadlines.

Tour Buses Are Considered Common Carriers Under Pennsylvania Law

Any vehicle, including charter buses, transporting passengers or goods in exchange for compensation is considered a common carrier, both under federal and state laws.

This distinction is important because common carriers owe a higher duty of care to their passengers. For charter buses, this means taking greater steps to protect their passengers. When negligence causes a charter bus crash, it can lead to a severe crash.

What Are the Most Common Causes of Charter Bus Crashes?

Most often, charter bus crashes are caused by driver negligence. Common errors that may lead to a crash with a tour bus include:

  • Distracted driving
  • Going too fast for road, traffic or weather conditions
  • Ignoring traffic signals or road signs
  • Getting confused by work zone signage
  • Inadequate bus driver training
  • Improper bus maneuvers, such as turning too fast around a curve
  • Driver fatigue after being behind the wheel too long

Does Pennsylvania Have Deadlines for Filing a Charter Bus Crash Claim?

Pennsylvania has deadlines for filing a charter bus crash claim. In most situations, there is a two-year deadline beginning from the date of the crash. However, there are two things to consider about this deadline:

Some Deadlines May Be Shorter

There are some unique situations, such as a claim involving a government agency, where the deadline is much shorter

Waiting to File Puts You at a Disadvantage

Evidence not gathered early on can get destroyed or lost. Witnesses also remember less and become less credible as time passes. They may no longer remember critical details that may have a significant impact on your case.

Attorneys May Be Unwilling to Take Your Case

If you are too close to the filing deadline, you may have a hard time finding an attorney who will take your case. Attorneys need time to investigate your case and complete the discovery process. They also need adequate time to negotiate a fair settlement on your behalf.

Pennsylvania Charter Bus Crashes Can Cause Serious Injuries to Passengers

Just last week a charter crash occurred in Dauphin County during a heavy rainstorm near Harrisburg. Unfortunately, when this vehicle collided with a Honda SUV, the bus flipped on its side.

There were over 45 passengers on this bus. The crash caused multiple injuries and dozens of passengers were transported to nearby hospitals for treatment. Three passengers died of their injuries at the scene of the crash.

Contact Our Law Firm for a Free Case Review

At Schmidt Kramer, we are in the business of helping injured victims. Our sole focus is to protect your legal interests and fight for the full and fair compensation you deserve.

When another party’s negligence causes you harm, you should not have to pay for the damages. Our law firm has been representing the injured for decades, and we have recovered millions in compensation for our clients.

Call for your free case review today. There are no out-of-pocket costs or fees to pay. We only get paid for our services if we win.

Proven Results. Call (717) 727-1403 24/7 to learn more.