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Homeowner Says Insurance Refuses to Replace Hail-Damaged Roof

hail damaged roofA homeowner in Manchester Township, York County has been battling with his insurance company for about a year to replace his hail-damaged roof.

He recently received a letter from the company stating that his current roof was improperly installed and needs to be replaced. Not only does it have to be fixed by the end of the month to continue his coverage, but the homeowner must also pay for it himself.  

Joseph Nolte has been a customer of Erie Insurance Group for the past 38 years and has had the same roof on his home for 19 years. He previously reached out to have an adjuster check his roof after a hail storm. At the time, he was informed by the adjuster that the roof only had some minor wear and tear, but no physical damage to any shingles. The report also did not say anything regarding the roof being improperly installed.

Nolte decided to get a second opinion after other insurance companies were fixing roofs in the area. He consulted two roofing contractors who concluded that his roof did in fact have hail damage. He also sent out another contractor to re-inspect the roof after he received the letter. He was told that he needed a new roof.

Erie Insurance Group has since refused to fix or replace the hail-damaged roof and Nolte does not have the $12,000 to pay for it. A lawsuit was filed last May against the insurance company for acting in bad faith. Harrisburg lawyer, Scott Cooper, a partner at Schmidt Kramer, was retained by the homeowner.

Scott Cooper says he has never seen a customer receive such a letter from their own homeowner’s insurance company. The company has been insuring Nolte’s house from the beginning. If the roof was bad or not installed correctly, Erie Insurance Group would not have covered the home for 19 years, Cooper stated in an interview with FOX43 Finds Out.

Cooper has now filed three lawsuits against the company for insurance bad faith. On behalf of his clients, he hopes that Erie Insurance Group will do the right thing and provide compensation for roof repairs.

Has Your Claim Been Denied or Devalued?

When you suffer an injury or property damage, you expect after filing a claim that the insurance company will pay what is rightfully owed to you based on your specific policy. However, many insurance companies will do everything they can to devalue or deny your claim without a legitimate reason. This is why you need a dedicated Harrisburg personal injury attorney on your side every step of the claims process.

At Schmidt Kramer, we have years of experience protecting our client’s best interests and working to ensure that insurance companies do not take advantage of them. We know exactly how insurers think and will work hard to pursue maximum compensation for your case. Schedule a free consultation to learn more about your options. There are no upfront costs for our services. We only get paid if you win.

Call (717) 888-8888 today to see how we might be able to help you.