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Helping Your Teens Drive Safer in Pennsylvania – Tips for Parents

what parents can do to keep teen drivers safer In Pennsylvania, turning 16 is an exciting time for most teens because they can apply for their learner’s permit and begin to take steps to get their driver’s license. Parents, however, may be feeling a bit more mixed about this segue into independence.

Maybe you feel worried about your teen getting behind the wheel. Perhaps your greater concern is that you mistrust other drivers on the road. Regardless of why you are concerned, the question is the same – how can you keep your teen drivers safer while they gain experience and maturity?

At Schmidt Kramer, we understand the excitement teens have about driving. We also relate well to the concerns many parents have about handing over the car keys, which is why we offer some things you can do to help keep your teen drivers safer.

Our law firm has been advocating for injured crash victims for decades. We work hard to right the wrongs caused by other negligent drivers. Not sure if you have a case? We offer a free case review to discuss your situation. If we represent you, there are no upfront costs for you to pay.

Call Schmidt Kramer for legal help today. (717) 727-1403

What Can Parents Do To Help Their Teens Stay Safer on the Road?

There are many things parents can do to help their teens become responsible drivers so they can stay safer on the road. In addition to teaching road safety, it is vital to instill in teens an understanding of the responsibility that comes with driving.

Help Your Teen Gain Knowledge, Skills and Experience Behind the Wheel

Naturally, it is important that your teen not only learns the rules of the road academically, but also how to put that knowledge into practice behind the wheel. The driver’s training that many teens get is a great start, but it is really not enough.

To help your teen benefit most from his or her driver training, you can:

  • Give your teen a lot of practice driving: In parking lots, on quieter roads, parallel parking, and traveling on the highway. Go at different times of day to get them familiar with driving when lighting is not as good or when they may face sun glare.
  • Discuss high-risk situations they could encounter: For instance, a driver cutting them off or speeding up to prevent them from merging into a lane. A driver running a red light as your teen is about to go through the green (which is why they should look before crossing at a green light).
  • Talk about unexpected hazards they might face: Some examples include what to do if their car breaks down or steps to take if they get into a crash.
  • Have them pay for some of their expenses: If your teen has to pay for car insurance, or even a portion of it, along with their gas costs. Having a vested interest in their ability to drive could encourage them to be more responsible.
  • Set up and enforce a curfew: In the beginning, it is good to let your teen “get their feet wet” a little at a time. More crashes happen at night, so initially setting up a curfew to give teens a chance to hone their driving skills in daylight can be really helpful.
  • Limit passengers in the first year: Having too many teen and young adult passengers in the car with a teen driver is a recipe for disaster. No matter how responsible teens are, they are still teens. It is really easy to get involved in a lively conversation, joking around, singing to favorite tunes, or even getting into an argument. All of these things may seem harmless, but they take your teen’s attention off the road. It only takes one second to miss seeing a child run into the street, or a car running a red light at an intersection or worse.
  • Exhibit the same behavior you are asking from your teen: Teens and even small children emulate what they see. If you have always worn your seat belt, for instance, your teen is likely to do the same.
  • Bring up peer pressure and talk about ways to handle it: Everyone wants to be cool when they are younger. Sometimes this pressure to fit in can tempt a teen to do something he or she would not normally do, such as drinking and driving or urban street racing.

Help Your Teen Understand a Driver’s Legal Duty of Care

Everything moves at high speed these days, and while teens gaining their independence is a great thing, they also need to understand that it also comes with responsibility. Be sure they understand the legal duty of care they owe to others and what that means as a driver. For their protection it is vital to have the tough conversation about the potential financial and legal consequences they could face if they ignore traffic laws and their legal duty of care.

Call Schmidt Kramer for Legal Help After a Car Crash

At Schmidt Kramer, we are here to help. In fact, helping injured victims is something we have been doing every day for decades. Our auto crash attorneys in Harrisburg are prepared to fight for the maximum possible compensation on your behalf.

Call our law offices today to request a completely free case review. If your case has merit and you hire our services, you will not have to try to navigate the legal maze on your own.

Crash cases have deadlines in Pennsylvania, so if you believe you may have a case, be sure to seek legal help without delay. If you miss the deadline, you will not be able to recover compensation.

Call our trusted law firm today. (717) 727-1403