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3 Facts About Social Security Disability Insurance

reviewing-ssdi-claimIf you suffer from a disability that causes you to be so severely impaired that you cannot work, you may qualify for Social Security disability insurance (SSDI)—a federal program designed to provide long-term financial benefits to those who’ve paid into the program as working adults.

But before you begin the lengthy process of applying for SSDI, here are a few facts you may want to consider.

Fact # 1: You Will Most Likely Be Denied SSDI the First Time You Apply

While the standards for receiving SSDI are quite strict and the application process is quite in-depth, not everyone who applies will be turned down. In fact, in 2013, nearly 33 percent of all SSDI claims were approved.  However, the majority of these claims were not approved the first time. If a person is truly disabled, The Social Security Administration (SSA) will pay out, but rarely do they accept a claim the first time around.

If your application for SSDI is denied, call the experienced social security disability lawyers at Schmidt Kramer at (717) 888-88881-888-476-0807. We can help determine if you have a true, severe disability, and if SSDI needs to compensate you.

Fact # 2: SSDI is for Long-Term Disabilities Only

You can only apply for SSDI if your disability is expected to last 12 months or longer, or if your condition carries a diagnosis of “terminal.” The SSDI program is meant to aid those with ”the most severe impairments in the country,” says William Jarrett, a spokesperson for the SSA.

There are other private programs that offer compensation for short-term or partial disability, but SSDI is not one of them. Certain states offer temporary financial assistance to people who can’t work because of a non-job related illness or injury. To see if you quality for temporary disability benefits, contact your state’s Department of Labor.

Fact # 3: Help is Available as You Apply for SSDI

The Social Security Guidebook on Disability includes a list of information the agency needs to begin processing your application. Also, the knowledgeable and experienced social security disability attorneys at Schmidt Kramer can determine if you have a claim, as well as help guide you through the process to ensure you get the benefits you are entitled to receive.

Contact Schmidt Kramer by calling (717) 888-8888 or by filling out our FREE Case Evaluation Form