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$2 Billion Dollars in Wrongly Awarded Social Security Disability Benefits Make Some Hot Under the Collar

The Social Security Administration’s Inspector General is scheduled to release a new report that will show some surprising shortcomings in the agency’s approach to reviewing Social Security disability claims.

The Inspector General had reviewed several administrative law judges’ (ALJs) handling of Social Security disability cases over the last seven years, focusing specifically on 44 judges who decided on an abnormally high amount of cases. These judges also raised red flags when it came to the benefits that they awarded—troubling the SSA when it seemed that they were awarding a strangely high number of benefits.

The SSA investigated a sample set of several cases where these particular judges awarded benefits, and found that just over 10 percent of the cases were processed properly. A huge number of cases were found to have quality issues, while others had missing information. After further review, the SSA determined that about 14 percent of the cases these judges handled should have ultimately been denied.

Applying these figures, the SSA determined that these particular judges wrongly awarded benefits to nearly 25,000 individuals, which cost taxpayers approximately $2 billion dollars. While these cases represent a very small fraction of the total benefits awarded over the same time period, the oversights and mistakes stung the many people who have been denied Social Security benefits throughout Pennsylvania and the nation.

Have You Been Denied Social Security Benefits?

It is very common for Social Security disability applications to be denied initially, and unless you were lucky enough to receive one of the questionable 44 ALJs, it is probably related to one of three common mistakes:

  • Your documents and application were incomplete
  • Your medical records documenting your injury or disability may be missing
  • You listed your disability or injury under the incorrect category on your application

If your application for Social Security disability benefits was denied, it does not spell the end of the road for your benefits. Our Pennsylvania Social Security disability attorneys can help you re-attack the application process with a stronger application. To speak with us about your case, schedule a free consultation with us today—simple call or click on the live chat feature on this page!

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