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Receiving Social Security Due to Loss of Limb

You recently became one of the millions of Americans who lost a limb. Whether you lost it in an accident or because of an illness, you wonder how your life will ever be the same. Along with the dramatic changes, you may also worry about how you’ll provide for your family now that you may not be able to work. Here, a Social Security attorney in West Shore discusses the criteria that typically automatically qualifies you to receive disability after a limb loss.

You Will Likely Receive Social Security Disability If You Have Experienced

  • Amputation of one or both hands.
  • Amputation of one hand and one leg at or above the ankle. You must also not be able to walk effectively, which means you have stump complications that prevent you from using a prosthetic device effectively. For instance, if you are unable to hold a walker or crutches because of an amputated arm or hand.
  • Amputation of one leg up to the hip, or an amputation of the hip.
  • Amputation of one or both legs at or above the ankle.

Social Security typically doesn’t base its decision on how you lost your limb. Instead, it usually looks at how the amputation affects you, when making the decision.

The legal team of Schmidt Kramer wants to help you receive the Social Security you deserve that can help you survive financially. We have helped many clients in Central Pennsylvania receive the money they need to provide for themselves and may be able to assist you, as well. Connect with us today to speak with a Social Security lawyer about your situation.

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