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Q: What should I do if I’m hurt in a car accident that is far from my home?

It can be scary to be in a car accident that is far from your home. Whether you are traveling through the state to be with family and friends for the holiday season, for work, or for other reasons, you are too far away from home to be treated by your own doctors, and you may be too far away for your friends and family to help you in the immediate aftermath of the crash.

Don’t Panic

The steps that you take now are the same steps that you would take if you were hurt closer to your home. Specifically, you should:

  • Call 911. You do not need to know the number for the local police. Simply provide the 911 operator with your location, and he will dispatch first responders to the scene of your accident.
  • Accept medical help. Allow first responders to examine you and transport you to the local hospital, if necessary.
  • Call your loved ones. Let them know where you are and what is happening.
  • Call a car accident lawyer. Any personal injury lawyer who is licensed in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania may represent you.

Additionally, you should follow your doctor’s treatment plan, get follow-up care, and stay out of work and regular activities as recommended by your physician.

Have More Questions About What to Do Next?

All you have to do is contact us via this website to get your questions answered. Additionally, we encourage you to watch our free videos and to read our free articles to get more information on protecting your rights and your potential recovery after a serious car accident in Pennsylvania.

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