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Q: Do I qualifying for Social Security Disability Benefits?

Yes, we can help you.

As you may be aware, the Social Security Administration performs a periodic review of every case to make sure the public’s money is being spent wisely. This is called a Continuing Disability Review (CDR). Your case will come under review about every three to seven years while you are receiving Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits. These reviews will stop after you reach retirement age because, at that point, your SSDI benefits convert to regular Social Security retirement benefits.

If you show a significant medical improvement when your case is reexamined, you may no longer meet the Social Security Administration’s definition for being disabled, and your SSDI benefits will stop.

There is no need to panic, however. At least three implications from this work to your benefit:

  1. Your doctor says that your improvement may be temporary. Many neurological conditions follow a remitting and relapsing course, which means that they sometimes get better and then worsen again without any clearly understood reason. Your improvement may have reversed course again by the time you must face your next Continuing Disability Review.
  2. The CDR is easier to pass than the initial application. The CDR examiners are usually considered less strict than the people who reviewed your original application for disability benefits. They understand about relapsing and remitting patterns in neurological conditions. You may be required to undergo an examination by a doctor approved by the Social Security Administration, but your CDR examiner will also take into consideration a statement from your primary treatment doctor that you are in a remission phase of your illness.
  3. An enduring improvement in your condition may end your disability. While you will no longer receive monthly benefits from the federal government, a permanent remission of your neurological disorder means you are able to work again. It also means that you are likely to see improvements in dealing with the routine activities of your daily life that had become difficult in recent years. That’s something to celebrate!

If your Continuing Disability Review is on track to end your benefits prematurely, we may be able to assist you. Our Harrisburg Social Security attorneys have a long and exemplary history in securing favorable results for clients who are facing termination of their SSDI benefits. We can make a strong presentation to your CDR caseworker to keep you eligible for benefits, or we can file a robust appeal from a decision to cut off your disability pay.

Don’t settle for a Pennsylvania disability law firm that treats you as a case file number instead of a living person. Schmidt Kramer has a sterling record for providing individualized help for its clients. Call us today at 717-888-8888 or (717) 888-8888 toll-free to learn how we can make your benefits lifeline remain in place.