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See Why You Still May Receive Workers’ Comp. Even If You Are Laid Off!

Even if you are laid off from a job you still may have a right to workers’ compensation benefits.  In fact, many employees who have been laid off may have actually been working in light or modified duty positions and still receiving treatment as a result of the work related injury when they were terminated.  Pennsylvania law is clear that when a claimant returns to work under a suspension, with restrictions, and is laid off, the claimant may seek a reinstatement and is entitled to the presumption that his or her disability is related to the work injury.  Klarich v. WCAB (RAC’s Assoc.), 819 A.2d 626 (Pa. Cmwlth. 2003).

If your loved one is killed, or you are injured, in a Pennsylvania work accident, you need to speak with an experienced Pennsylvania workers’ compensation lawyer.  Central Pennsylvania workers often choose to seek help from Schmidt Kramer for Central Pennsylvania workers’ compensation, located in Harrisburg.  Our Harrisburg workers’ compensation lawyers can answer all of your questions about a Pennsylvania work related injury and represent you, if needed.

Call today for a free consultation at (717) 888-8888 or 717-888-8888.

Also, download one of our brochures on workers’ compensation.