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Five Basic Workers’ Compensation Benefits in PA

Becoming sick or injured could mean serious long-term physical consequences, expensive medical bills, and lost wages—which are all scary things. Those who become sick or injured as a result of their jobs generally are eligible for worker’s compensation. Pennsylvania’s worker’s compensation provides five basic benefits:

  • Lost Wage Replacement is available to those deemed totally disabled and unable to work. In addition, partial wage replacement is available to those receiving lower wages than they received before the illness or injury because of a partial disability.
  • Reasonable and Necessary Medical Expenses are covered for work-related injuries and illnesses for as long as needed.  This includes doctor’s visits, surgical procedures, hospitalization, medicine, supplies, orthopedic appliances, and prostheses. Medical expenses are covered for workers regardless of whether they missed work.
  • Specific Loss Benefits are covered for work-related injuries and illnesses. Specific loss means the worker has permanently lost the use of a body part, such as the thumb, fingers, hand, toes, foot, arm, leg, sight, or hearing. It also can mean permanent disfigurement of the head, face, or neck.
  • Death Benefits may be paid to dependent beneficiaries in the event that a worker dies as a result of a work-related illness or accident.
  • Subsequent Injury Benefits may be paid to workers from the Subsequent Injury Fund. This fund is administered by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania and is paid to workers who sustain a permanent disability because they have incurred a specific loss of use for a hand, arm, foot, leg, or eye and become totally disabled because they lost use of another hand, arm, foot, leg, or eye.

Suffering from a work-related injury or illness is stressful. The red tape involved in getting worker’s compensation to pay for treatment, lost wages, and other benefits can be daunting. If your worker’s compensation case has been denied, or you think you are not getting the compensation you deserve, call a Pennsylvania personal injury lawyer at Schmidt Kramer. Request your free case consultation today by calling us toll-free at (717) 888-8888.