This Pennsylvania Boating Handbook was prepared to provide boaters with information they need to know when operating watercraft on Pennsylvania waterways. It reviews the Commission’s boating regulations and includes information and tips to follow while boating. It does not present the actual laws and regulations.
If you or a family member is injured in a boating accident contact a qualified personal injury attorney near you today for a free legal consultation.
This handbook is the text for the Commission’s Pennsylvania Basic Boating eight-hour boating course. Use the following information as a resource to make your boating trips safe and enjoyable.
When you’ve been seriously injured, you have questions—turn to Schmidt Kramer and speak with our Pennsylvania injury lawyers today. Our Pennsylvania injury attorneys will walk you through the legal process and get you back on your feet. Call (717) 888-8888 or (800) 232-6301 or fill out a free online consultation form—it’s yet another way to Talk to a Lawyer.