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Harrisburg & Camp Hill Drivers Should Consider the Yellow Dot Program

As common as car accidents are on Pennsylvania roadways, people would still rather not think about what would happen if they were in a crash. Who wants to plan ahead for something that may never happen? We get that—but wouldn’t you rather be safe than sorry? Pennsylvania’s Yellow Dot Program is a quick, easy way to make sure you can communicate with emergency medical personnel in the event you’re in an accident and unable to speak. Being enrolled in this program could literally end up being a life-or-death decision you make. 

So, how does the Yellow Dot Program work? You need to complete a personal information form, which will include your name, contact information, emergency contact information, medical history, medications, allergies, and doctors’ names. That paperwork will also include a photo of you from the shoulders up. After that, you’ll apply a yellow dot decal (supplied by the DOT) in the lower left corner of your car’s rear windshield. If you are in a car accident, that decal is going to alert workers that you are enrolled in the program, and they will check your glove compartment for your Yellow Dot paperwork. If you are knocked unconscious or unresponsive following your accident, that paperwork you’ve already filled out can be critical to your health and survival.

If you live in Pennsylvania and you’d like to participate, just visit to  request a free Yellow Dot packet. It should be mailed to you within a few weeks. 

Were you injured in a Pennsylvania car accident and now you’re looking for justice? It’s time to contact an auto accident attorney; Harrisburg is home to Schmidt Kramer, a law firm of experienced injury lawyers ready to work for you.