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Are Red Light Cameras In PA Effective And Necessary?

Red light cameras are everywhere. They’re in hundreds of cities, including large municipalities like Chicago, New York City, Philadelphia, and Washington, D.C. Drivers groan about them, critics call them revenue generators, and no one welcomes the sight of a red light camera ticket in their mailbox. But despite the animosity felt toward these devices, they continue to be popular tools for reducing red light runners and subsequently, dangerous crashes at intersections.

If you are injured in a Pennsylvania car accident and you’re looking for a Pennsylvania auto accident attorney who knows how to handle a you case, Harrisburg is home to the Pennsylvania personal injury lawyers at Schmidt Kramer. Our personal injury attorneys will handle your Harrisburg car accident case with the utmost of care and get you the compensation that you deserve. Call today for a free consultation at (717) 888-8888.

Also, download our brochure on “Who Pays The Bills When You Are Injured In An Automobile Accident”.