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Preventing an Elevator Shaft Injury Can Be Key to Your Survival

Working in construction is inherently dangerous for many different reasons, but elevator shafts can prove to be a major hazard on a construction site. These shafts are usually open and go down several stories to the hard ground below. One wrong step or bad decision can send a construction worker falling to their death within seconds.

If a worker who falls down an elevator shaft does not die, they can still suffer extremely serious injuries that may affect them for the rest of their lives. These injuries may include spinal cord injuries, traumatic brain injuries, and many broken bones. Spinal cord injuries can also result in completely paralyzing an individual.

Why Do These Elevator Shaft Accidents Happen?

The two primary reasons are because proper barricading has not been placed in front of the open elevator shaft, and because there is a lack of warning about the open elevator shaft in the form of visible signage. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) requires barricading and warning, but they also require workers to have certain types of safety equipment, including:

  • Safety harnesses
  • Safety nets
  • Standard railings and/or other similar safety equipment chosen based on the specific dimensions of the elevator shaft

Elevator shaft accident injuries may result in filing for workers’ compensation benefits, but you also may need the help of a personal injury attorney as well if there are additional legal layers to your accident. Schmidt Kramer can handle both workers’ compensation and personal injury claims. We invite you to contact us directly to set up your free consultation today.

You are invited to request a complimentary copy of our workers’ compensation report, Who Pays Your Medical Bills When You Are Injured at Work? 

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