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Police Release Guidelines to Avoid Pokémon Go Accidents

pokemon go in a carWithin the first week of the Pokémon Go craze that has consumed kids and adults alike across the country, police are warning users to pay attention to their surroundings and not use the game while driving.

After an Auburn, New York, man drove his car into a tree while playing the wildly popular smartphone game, the Auburn Police Department released guidelines to prevent car accidents related to Pokémon Go. Police warned individuals to:

  • Avoid playing the game while driving or riding a bicycle
  • Do not go onto private property to “catch” a Pokémon
  • Avoid walking while staring at your phone and keep an eye out for potential hazards, such as roads or drop-offs

Pokémon Go is an augmented reality game, in which smartphone screens show Pokémon characters in the real world. Players walk around and attempt to catch the characters.

Series of Accidents Related to Pokémon Go

The Auburn accident was one of the first reported accidents involving a distracted driver playing the smartphone game. When asked by Auburn police what caused the accident, the 28-year-old said that he was playing the game while driving. He was disoriented and had lacerations on one of his legs.

There have also been other reported Pokémon Go car accidents. On Tuesday night, Texas A&M University police sent out a couple of tweets about Pokémon Go accidents. One tweet said that an illegally parked car was rear-ended because the driver had gotten out of the car to catch Pokémon.

There was another accident in Pittsburgh where a teenage pedestrian was hit by a car while she was playing the game. She was crossing a four-lane road during rush hour in order to catch Pokémon.

The teen sustained bruises to the side of her body but it is expected that she will be sent home from the hospital today. She no longer has the Pokémon Go app on her phone.

Have you been injured in a car accident involving a distracted driver? Contact the Harrisburg Car Accident Lawyers at Schmidt Kramer today. You may be entitled to compensation for your injuries. We offer a free consultation and you do not pay us anything unless we are successful.

Call us today at (717) 888-8888 for your free, no obligation consultation.