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York Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

Injuries sustained in motorcycle crashes can be life changing for riders, their families and dependents. Hiring an experienced motorcycle accident lawyer after a crash has occurred can have a significant impact on the amount of compensation that may be recovered if a lawsuit is filed.

Many thanks to Michael and the firm in the way my case was handled.
– Client of Schmidt Kramer

If you were injured due to the negligence of another driver, we encourage you to contact the York motorcycle accident lawyers at Schmidt Kramer. For more than 30 years, our attorneys have been representing injury victims throughout Pennsylvania and we have obtained millions in verdicts and settlements for our clients.

Our lawyers have extensive knowledge of Pennsylvania’s laws that may affect your claim and we regularly build cases against the insurance companies and defense law firms that are often involved in these types of cases.

Contact us today by calling (717) 888-8888 and speak to a lawyer about your potential lawsuit. The initial consultation is free, there is no obligation to hire us and there are no upfront fees if you do decide to hire us.

Schmidt Kramer. Local. Trusted. Lawyers. Ph: (717) 888-8888.

Do I Need a Lawyer for a Motorcycle Accident?

Injured riders that hire a lawyer recover more financial compensation compared to those that do not have legal representation.

Insurance companies often view motorcycles as a dangerous liability and are often reluctant to fully compensate a person that has been injured in a motorcycle accident. They may also try to delay your claim by prolonging the adjustment period to prevent you from receiving compensation for your injury and potentially blame you for your injuries by claiming you are partially or fully responsible for causing the motorcycle accident.

Our York motorcycle accident lawyers are familiar with the tactics used by an insurance company to unfairly devalue or deny claims. We will work to protect your claim by constructing a strong case on your behalf by:

  • Reviewing all records, documents, photographs and video footage that depicts your motorcycle accident. This will provide us with an accurate representation of the events leading up to and during your collision to help us prove the other driver is liable.
  • Interviewing all parties who were involved in your motorcycle accident. This could include the other driver, passengers that might have been present in the other vehicle, witnesses to the accident, law enforcement officers, or the doctor who provided you medical care.
  • Investigating your motorcycle accident and the backgrounds of those who were involved. The accident scene might have skid marks, debris or footage from nearby surveillance cameras that can be used to recreate the collision. We will also investigate the at-fault party’s driving record to check for a history of traffic collisions or serious infractions that show a pattern of negligent endangerment.
  • Personally communicating with the at-fault driver’s insurance company or attorneys handling your motorcycle accident claim. We will handle all discussions, negotiations and settlements to ensure your claim is represented fairly and accurately reflects your damages.

An attorney will help you navigate through the claims process and help you understand your rights after a motorcycle accident. He or she will have intricate knowledge about Pennsylvania’s personal injury laws and will help you determine which legal options may be available to pursue the maximum compensation you deserve.

Complete our Free Case Evaluation form to schedule a free consultation.

Compensation for a Motorcycle Accident

Pursuing compensation for a motorcycle accident can be difficult if an insurance company is unwilling to accept your claim or makes an unreasonably low offer or settlement.

An insurer will likely make you an initial offer soon after you file an insurance claim with the intention of settling the claim as quickly as possible. Unfortunately, too many people are eager to obtain compensation and do not understand the true value of their losses.

It is important that you do not accept any offer an insurance company makes you without careful consideration. The claim should contain a monetary value that accurately reflects the total loss you have suffered because of the motorcycle accident.

As experienced attorneys, we can review settlement offers and explain whether they are fair and compensate you for the full cost of your damages. This includes all economic and noneconomic damages that you might be able to list in your claim.

Economic Damages

Economic damages are the financial losses you endured after the motorcycle crash. This is meant to provide you a cash value for your losses, such as:

  • Medical bills
  • Lost wages
  • Vehicle repair costs
  • Damaged personal property
  • Loss of future earnings and income
  • Past and future hospital visits

Noneconomic Damages

Noneconomic damages are the intangible losses and suffering you endured after the motorcycle accident, such as:

  • Pain and suffering
  • Injuries
  • Disfigurement
  • Mental impairment
  • Emotional anguish or disturbance

We can discuss your ability to pursue damages during a free consultation. Our York motorcycle accident lawyers will review your claim and may be able to provide you an accurate estimate as to how much it might be worth.

Call (717) 888-8888 to discuss your claim with our attorneys.

Types of Motorcycle Accident Claims We Handle

Throughout our experience as motorcycle accident attorneys in York, we have gained the skills and know-how needed to represent a variety of motorcycle accident claims.

Typically, a motorcycle accident involves a collision with another vehicle. To obtain compensation for your injuries, you must be able to prove the other party’s negligence caused the accident. Our attorneys are ready to handle several different types of motorcycle accidents, including:

Car vs. Motorcycle Collision

Motorcyclists are provided the same rights as other motorists when sharing the roadway. This means motorists must avoid causing a collision by driving in a safe and cautious manner.

Some of the most common reasons a motorist can be held liable for a motorcycle accident include:

  • Failing to yield to the motorcyclist
  • Cutting the motorcyclist off at an intersection
  • Traveling faster than the speed limit
  • Neglecting to look for motorcyclists before entering or changing lanes
  • Swerving in front of a motorcyclist
  • Driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol
  • Neglecting to pay attention to surrounding traffic
  • Not leaving enough space between the motorist’s vehicle and motorcycle

Truck vs. Motorcycle Collision

Due to the lack of protection motorcycles offer riders, a collision with a commercial or semi-truck can result in devastating injuries that may cause permanent disability or death.

If you or someone you love has been injured in a motorcycle-truck accident, we will review the cause of the collision to determine which factors may have caused the crash. Truck accidents may result from several factors, including:

  • Truck driver error
  • Poor vehicle maintenance
  • Defective vehicle parts
  • Improperly loaded cargo
  • Fatigued driving
  • Impairment from drugs or alcohol

Road Hazard vs. Motorcycle Accidents

One of the most common causes of motorcycle accidents is hazardous conditions in the roadway. These may cause you to lose control of the motorcycle and are often difficult to notice until it is too late.

When you are riding a motorcycle, be sure to watch out for roadway hazards such as:

  • Uneven pavement
  • Debris or other obstructions
  • Poorly lit roads
  • Broken traffic signals
  • Potholes
  • Lack of traffic signs
  • Faded or missing lane markers
  • Flooding on the roadway
  • Overgrown trees or plants extending onto the roadway

In many cases, it may be difficult to establish the at-fault party breached its duty of care to avoid causing you harm. However, a dedicated York motorcycle accident lawyer will be able to determine how the other party is at fault for the accident and compensate you for your injury.

Call (717) 888-8888 to find out if you have a case.

Motorcycle Accident Injuries

The appeal most people have towards motorcycles is the freedom the vehicle allows its riders. However, the vehicle’s openness also leaves you with almost no protection in the event of crash.

Far too often, motorcycle accident victims suffer serious injuries that may lead to permanent impairment or death. Some of the most common injuries victims suffer during a motorcycle accident include:

  • Fractured bones
  • Traumatic head injuries
  • Spinal cord injuries
  • Head injury
  • Neck injury
  • Road rash
  • Internal bleeding
  • Soft tissue damage
  • Muscle damage
  • Paralysis
  • Bruising
  • Disfigurement
  • Burns
  • Amputated limbs
  • Lacerations

After a motorcycle accident, you should always seek medical attention from a health care provider to diagnose the injuries you acquired during the crash.

Accident victims often suffer an injury with delayed or hidden symptoms that may appear several hours or days after the crash. It is imperative that a health care provider diagnoses any injuries you may have acquired during the accident. This will provide you with the treatment you need and establish a link between your injury and the at-fault party’s negligence.

Then, you should consider contacting an experienced York motorcycle accident lawyer for help with your claim. An attorney will understand how to try to maximize the compensation you can recover to pay for your medical treatment and lost wages.

Complete a Free Case Evaluation form today.

Contact a York Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

A motorcycle accident can be a traumatic event that causes victims to suffer serious injuries and financial losses. In many cases, it is in your best interest to contact an attorney for help with your personal injury claim.

The York motorcycle accident lawyers at Schmidt Kramer understand the difficulties that victims often face when dealing with insurance companies. We know how to effectively present your claim to ensure you are treated fairly during the claims process.

Our team of dedicated attorneys is ready to help you obtain the maximum compensation you deserve. Contact us today to schedule a free, no obligation consultation to discuss your claim with our attorneys. We provide all of our services on a contingency fee basis and only charge clients if we recover compensation for their claim.

Call (717) 888-8888. Free Consultation.